Hors Union
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Contract Agents
Local Agents





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Pour une diplomatie européenne vraiment intégrée

Notre équipe, à votre service, pour vous défendre

Pour un Comité du personnel actif, au service de tous

Combattre la précarité et les discriminations

Annexe X : lutter pour les droits du personnel en délégations

Agents locaux : faire cesser des conditions d'emploi choquantes

Agents contractuels : exiger une nouvelle politique

Des carrières justes pour tous

Pour une vraie politique de carrières

Travailler en synergie avec les autres institutions

Permettre des départs anticipés

Le regroupement syndical NEAR you comprend 5 organisations syndicales, USHU, U4U, R&D, Conf SFE et depuis 2014 la FFPE.

Ce regroupement constitue une force de compétences, de talents, d’expertises professionnelles et syndicales. Le même regroupement syndical NEAR you détient la majorité syndicale du comité du personnel Hors Union de la Commission, ce qui facilite le travail en commun entre les comités du personnel du SEAE et HU. Cela est un gage d’efficacité et de cohérence.

Notre regroupement fait partie de la famille des 5 organisations syndicales des autres institutions (Commission, Parlement Européen, Conseil, CESE, agences etc...). Il est donc en mesure d’avoir une vue d’ensemble des questions qui se posent, d’avoir des relais, de bénéficier d’appui et de soutiens, bref, de négocier avec l'administration de façon coordonnée.

La liste de NEAR you présente aux élections du comité du personnel 40 candidats, titulaires et suppléants, dont :
- 24 hommes et 16 femmes,
- Prés de 20 nationalités différentes,
- 8 AD, 10 AST, 1 AT, 8 A et 13 AL,
- 13 au siège et 27 en délégations.

Notre approche syndicale se caractérise par le refus du corporatisme et de l’approche catégorielle. Nous œuvrons en effet pour l’unité du personnel - quelque que soit l’âge, la catégorie et la nationalité de celui-ci – seul moyen efficace pour assurer sa défense. Notre approche syndicale tient compte de l’intérêt du service et vise à renforcer notre institution.

Nous militons pour une politique du personnel de suivi des carrières et de détection des talents, qui soit transparente et qui utilise pleinement les moyens budgétaires et procéduraux du Statut. Nous voulons faciliter l’accès aux grades de fin de carrière.

Nous souhaitons contribuer, grâce à un dialogue social qui doit s’intensifier à tous les niveaux, à l’amélioration du fonctionnement du SEAE, à sa débureaucratisation, à sa meilleure coopération avec les autres services des institutions communautaires, notamment ceux de la Commission.


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For a truly integrated European diplomacy

Our team, at your service, to defend your interests

For an active Staff Committee, for the benefit of all staff

Combat job insecurity and discrimination

Annex X: fighting for the rights of staff in delegations

Local staff: put an end to shocking employment conditions

Contract staff: demand a new policy

Fair careers, for everyone

For a genuine careers policy

Work in synergy with the other institutions

Equal treatment & opportunities for Temporary Agents

EXPATRIATES in Delegations (Officials/TAs/CAs)

• ANNEX X - All Expats working in Delegations in 3rd countries have been hit very HARD by the new Staff Regulations which came into force on 01/01/2014.

• Annex X has severely reduced their special provisions and NEAR YOU will continue to lobby for a flexible approach to Special Leave for medical and administrative purposes and to regularly communicate the difficulties that staff in Delegations have experienced with an 18-day reduction in Annual Leave and an increase in the working week from 37.5 to 40 hours.

• The top-up for Education allowances are also under attack and NEAR YOU will continue to raise specific staff issues and provide support to individual cases

Housing is also a very important and sensitive issue and once again NEAR YOU will follow all development closely and report complaints to HQ

Big issue in delegations is for the expatriates the school allowance and missing job opportunities for spouses.

Since the "reform" the school allowances often don't cover any longer the full costs of the schools. So it happens that expatriates have to add several thousand of EUR from their own pocket, multiplied by the number of children the expatriate has. To put the kids into a less expensive school is often not possible because the better ones have waiting lists of several years or are below quality standards. Although the administration obviously tries to remedy the situation by tending to send only singles or only couple without kids abroad, we stress the issue and the unfairness to let  the EEAS become a non-family institution.

The problem of spouses without kids abroad is also known. Working possibilities do often not exist. The delegations are allowed to get unpaid trainees but not qualified spouses who were ready to work, at least some hours daily.


• Contract Agents - both at HQ and in Delegations, represent a growing number of staff and take on ever-increasing responsibilities. NEAR YOU will aim to reinforce dialogue with the EEAS in order to introduce a true career path for Contract Agents.

Internal Competitions and Specialist Competitions - NEAR YOU recognizes the valuable expertise of Contract Agents working in Delegations and at HQ. It will advocate for more opportunities to achieve permanent posts via Internal Competitions and Specialized Competitions. We ask for competitions allowing to jump into the next "function group" - "category" - as a remedy to the mismatch between categories and education / professional expertise.

Mobility - NEAR YOU was instrumental in negotiating mobility for EEAS Contract Agents - as more become eligible, NEAR YOU will promote inter-institutional mobility (EEAS/COMM/eventually Agencies) in order to provide more professional opportunities to Contract Agents)

Leave on personal grounds (CCP). The limitation of one year is still in place. It should be extended and applied with maximum flexibility, taking into account the personal situation of the AC.

See also :

EEAS CA requesting a social dialogue

Position paper of the EEAS liaison group of temporary agents about the paper on Career path


NEAR YOU will aim to push the boundaries and ensure that more treatments are recognised and that where possible reimbursement ceilings reflect the reality of each country where Local Agents are based (already NEAR YOU has participated fully and actively in the related Joint Committee and we have managed to get some improvements but we still feel that the fund could be better managed).
Even spouses who earn relatively low salaries  (annual basic salary of a local agent group IV, step 1, as calculated on 1 January of each calendar year) are excluded and NEAR YOU will continue to argue for a fairer approach.

LA PENSION SYSTEM - in reality there is no integrated pension system but a series of measures which are not articulated - for decades Local Agents have requested and been promised a pension scheme which includes pension payments and health insurance cover - even today, when Local Agents retire, despite over 20 years in the service, they have no health insurance provided by the EEAS and are left to fate of local country systems which are often inadequate and even inexistent. Currently the EEAS proposes extremely limited cover for one year only after retirement whereby the Local Agent must pay a contribution and it is not so attractive as it first seems and does not address the long-term medical coverage needs of retired LA staff.

LA SALARY ADJUSTMENTS - NEAR YOU was fully involved in the negotiations concerning the New Method for LA Salary adjustments - we intend to monitor its implementation very closely and to provide full support and guidance to LA colleagues in Delegations who experience problems and delays with annual reviews.

SUPPORTING the most VULNERABLE staff category - Local Agents are a vital EEAS resource in Delegations yet they are often overlooked and underrepresented. NEAR YOU will guarantee that Local Agents issues are given the attention and visibility they deserve.

General Powerpoint presentation


Estimados colegas de la EEAS :

Por favor ejercitar su derecho de votar para su propia representación de personal en la EEAS.

Es importante lograr formar un nuevo Comité que representa todas categorías de personal en la sede y en las Delegaciones

Existen 3 Listas de candidatos y Vds. tienen hasta 20 votos cada uno, se puede votar para una lista completa de 20 candidatos o votar para individuales de varias listas, a Vds. decidir

Por favor VOTAR PARA toda la LISTA 1 que contiene todas categorías de personal (AL/AT/Oficial/AC) : un impresionante grupo de hombres y mujeres listos para servirles y defenderles!




                    Page updated on 03/06/2017