Elections to the Outside Union local Staff Committee
NEAR YOU - List No 2 Election MANIFESTO 2012“Outside the EU” Local Section/CLP HUStaff Representatives from ALL STAFF CATEGORIES MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS TO DATENEAR YOU members fought for hundreds of LA colleagues on limited duration contracts to obtain indefinite contracts NEAR YOU members contributed strongly to amend the Staff Regulations which allowed the legal basis for the creation of a pension scheme for Local Agents NEAR YOU members relentlessly fought for the improvement of the medical scheme for Local Agents NEAR YOU members ensured that the funds of the Medical insurance scheme were transferred to an account generating annual interest and timely payments of severance grants for Local Agents NEAR YOU members supported since its beginnings the Collectif of Contract Agents and advocated the extension of contracts and access to internal competitions NEAR YOU members argued for amendments to Annex X to enable it to be applied for the first time to all expats equally (Officials, Temporary Agents, Contract Agents) – housing rules were streamlined as a consequence and for the first time parental leave could be taken with no disadvantages NEAR YOU members achieved the establishment of a legal framework for the creation of a formal mobility system for Contract Agents NEAR YOU members participated actively in working groups/committees (evaluation and promotion committee for Officials, appraisal and reclassification of Contract Agents, Promotion and Reclassification of Local Agents, Medical Committee etc) NEAR YOU members have ensured and monitored the application of Commission policies (flexi time, training, health and safety and information security) to all staff in Delegations NEAR YOU members provided advice to many individuals on how to proceed in cases of complaints, harassment, appraisal and promotion issues – often resulting in positive outcomes! NEAR YOU members actively participated in negotiations on the establishment of the staff representation of the European External Action Service (EEAS) NEAR YOU was the winning List with the highest number of votes in the recent EEAS elections OVERALL GOALSALL STAFF STRENGTHEN staff representation for all staff categories in Delegations NEAR YOU knows that colleagues working in delegations are underrepresented at Headquarters where important discussions take place and decisions are taken. Indeed USHU, the Trade Union heading the list, was specifically created in order to better support staff working in Delegations – to make sure their voice is heard at Headquarters, to guarantee that they are no longer weak and divided but coordinated and forceful. NEAR YOU will continue to insist that all staff categories must have the possibility of secondments (in situ and at Headquarters) during their electoral mandate. The same opportunities for Officials, Contract Agents and Local Agents – no discriminatory approach will be tolerated. EMPOWER the network of Local Staff Representatives in Delegations NEAR YOU recognises that Local Staff Representatives are the eyes and the ears of the Outside the EU Local Section and play a vital role in all Delegations. NEAR YOU aims to empower this network and to provide two-way communication so as to be available to all LSR and to be immediately aware of any specific Delegation problems. ENSURE respect for the rules and proper implementation NEAR YOU will monitor and intervene to guarantee that the rules established by the Commission as enshrined in the Staff Regulations, are fully respected at all times. Often staff based in Delegations are unaware of their rights and obligations – NEAR YOU will counsel them and represent them when wronged. PROMOTE communication and coordination with the EEAS Staff Committee NEAR YOU has been established with the idea to better prepare - on the trade union side - for the new challenges stemming from the creation of the new External Service. NEAR YOU will closely follow the developments related to this and be ready to act immediately in order to serve the interests of staff rightly concerned about their future in the new structure – everything will be done so that these interests are defended in the best possible manner. FOR LOCAL AGENTS Improvement of the working conditions for Local Agents NEAR YOU will further push regular revisions of the grading in terms of reduction of groups and steps, re-evaluation of the nature of tasks attributed to local agents in particular in administrative jobs, information sections and in groups III and IV. Local Agents Group IV working as secretaries in reality very often perform the same tasks as Local Agents Group III. The same concerns Group III LAs working in C&F as accountants and procurement officers who are doing the same tasks as Group II. Application of the new Method for salary adjustment and evaluation and promotion/reclassification. The old Method for salary reviews was a big step forward in bringing systemic changes to the key exercise. The “new” has never been applied and Local Agents continue to suffer as a result and there are regular cases of outstanding salary reviews which are in no-one’s interest. NEAR YOU will continue to insist that delays to the final results of salary reviews must be minimised and that local representatives have a vital role in resolving problems and providing additional information in this vital exercise. Medical Insurance Scheme NEAR YOU members participating in the Joint Medical insurance Scheme (CSISLA)
have repeated insisted on improvements to: Medical coverage after retirement must be introduced – this is when colleagues most need it and they are deserted by the Institution they have served so well over the years. Provident Fund For the coming period, NEAR YOU will pressure Administration to provide better financial arrangements for the existing Provident Fund ensuring the best possible return for contributors. Proper pension and invalidity coverage A true pension and invalidity scheme must be introduced for Local Agents. The political commitments of the Commission must be fulfilled. NEAR YOU will use all means at its disposal to turn political declarations into reality. FOR CONTRACT AGENTS NEAR YOU will advocate and support initiatives pursuing improvements in the following priority areas: Career structure In Delegations, the majority of Contract Agents are employed in the highest
function group, FG IV yet paradoxically the current recruitment and employment
rules do not foresee any career development perspective, actively deny access to
internal competitions and establish a much-debated reclassification (not
promotion!) procedure. Professional tasks and responsibilities: core and non-core tasks NEAR YOU will continue to demand an unequivocal re-definition of professional requirements, tasks and responsibilities. Contract Agents cannot continue to be considered as stop-gaps, they are an essential element if Delegations are to continue to function properly and to the highest possible standards. Access to internal competitions Access to internal competitions is an absolute priority. Recruitment grades for Delegation posts must be identical to recruitment grades applied to posts in HQ. In a longer run the difference between 3a (CAs in Delegations and Agencies with possibility of an indefinite contract) and 3b (CAs in DGs with definite contracts) must disappear. Same job - same pay NEAR YOU will ensure steady follow-up on the disputes regarding equal work - equal pay, and permanent contracts for permanent posts. Funds have been gathered and lawyers contacted. Legal actions are considered for the benefit of the whole category. NEAR YOU will also do its best to resuscitate the Working Group on CA salaries as a key mechanism of the relevant decision making process. Mobility and temporary assignments to HQ NEAR YOU considers negotiations on the mobility policy for CA as a priority. Since the modifications to the Staff Regulations in October 2010, Annex X now allows for mobility for Contract Agents and foresees the possibility for temporary mobility to HQ. NEAR YOU has argued long and hard for the need to establish a transparent and accessible mobility framework which ensures equal opportunities and mobility in the interest of the service. FOR OFFICIALS Another new system of CDR and promotion is now in force since 2012 All trade unions in Brussels are opposed to the new system. However, the new system is in place. (no more points, no more performance groups…) NEAR YOU sees the only way to influence the situation now by active participation in the promotion committees. Rotation It is crucial that staff representatives are involved in the rotation exercise. For the time being they are just informed about the results. There is a lack of transparency in the whole exercise and this situation has to be changed. Many colleagues face enormous problems when they come back to HQ. The External Service must provide posts for them. In 2012, many more colleagues return to HQ than leave for delegations. This has to do with the fact that many posts in delegations will be occupied by Member State diplomats. Serious problems are foreseeable and NEAR YOU will continue to engage in dialogue, searching for the best opportunities for Commission officials. THE NEAR YOU TEAM :
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A une compétence spécifique des Délégations |
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A une expérience et une connaissance des dossiers éprouvées |
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Est axée sur les résultats |
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Est disponible 24hr/24 – 7 jours/7 |
Les élections du Comité du Personnel hors Union auront lieu du 18 au 27 juin 2012.
Le Comité du Personnel hors Union comporte 14 titulaires et 14 suppléants, élus pour un mandat de trois ans. Ses membres représentent tous les collègues de la Commission travaillant en délégation, indépendamment de leur statut, leur catégorie et leur grade. Le CLPHU est également représenté au sein du Comité Central du Personnel de la Commission Européenne.
Le Comité du Personnel hors Union aura, plus que jamais, un rôle important pour faire respecter les droits des collègues qui travaillent dans les quelque 140 délégations réparties dans le monde entier.
Pourquoi plus que jamais ? Parce que la cohabitation au sein des délégations s'est encore compliquée : y travaillent non seulement des collègues sous différents statuts : agents locaux, agents contractuels, agents temporaires et fonctionnaires, mais à présent, également des collègues de deux Institutions différentes : Service européen d'action extérieure (SEAE) et Commission.
Le dialogue social est très important, au Siège comme en délégation. Le Comité se réunit en plénière, un minimum de deux fois par an, à Bruxelles, et à cette occasion, discute des dossiers d'actualité, des problèmes qui se posent dans les délégations, et rencontre la hiérarchie au plus haut niveau (Directeur général DEVCO) pour dialoguer face à face et pour essayer d'obtenir des accords, des solutions au bénéfice des collègues en Délégation.
Représenter les collègues, cela veut également dire siéger dans les réunions de dialogue social et des Comités paritaires : réunions préparatoires aux décisions de rotation des fonctionnaires, Comités de promotion des fonctionnaires, Comité de l'Assurance Maladie agents locaux, Comité de Promotion et Reclassement agents locaux, Comité de l'article 18.6. (Comité intervenant ponctuellement lors de licenciements d'agents locaux en cas de restructuration ou de fermeture d'une délégation), Comité paritaire de reclassement des agents contractuels, etc...
Représenter les collègues c'est défendre leurs droits acquis avec compétence, expertise, sérieux, disponibilité, les défendre avec enthousiasme et professionnalisme, les accompagner au cœur de leurs problèmes, trouver des solutions pour améliorer leurs conditions de travail et remédier aux injustices.
Pour représenter efficacement nos collègues, nous nous présentons sous forme d'une liste équilibrée de collègues issus de tous horizons, rassemblant dans l'unité plusieurs syndicats qui veulent travailler ensemble : comme pour les récentes élections du Comité du Personnel SEAE, nous avons une fois de plus choisi l'unité syndicale, garante d'efficacité face aux dossiers et aux discussions difficiles qui nous attendent.
Voter NEAR, c’est voter la cohérence et l’unité avec les représentants NEAR du SEAE et de Bruxelles, pour une action commune et une défense plus efficace de tout le personnel…
C'est pourquoi nous nous présentons à vous ensemble,
Nous avons besoin de votre soutien pour défendre votre avenir !
YOU 2012
Las elecciones del Comité de Personal Hors Union tendrán lugar del 18 al 27 de Junio de 2012.
El Comité de Personal Hors Union está compuesto de 14 titulares y 14 suplentes, elegidos por un mandato de tres años. Sus miembros representan a todos los colegas de la Comisión trabajando en Delegaciones, independientemente de su status, su categoría y su grado. El CLPHU está representado igualmente al interior del Comité Central de Personal de la Comisión Europea.
El Comité de Personal Hors Union tendrá, más que nunca, un rol importante para hacer respetar los derechos de los colegas que trabajan en algunas de las 140 delegaciones repartidas en el mundo entero.
Por qué hoy más que nunca? Porque la cohabitación al interior de las delegaciones es aún complicada: ya que trabajan no solamente colegas diferentes en cuanto al status: Agentes Locales, Agentes Contractuales, Agentes Temporarios y Funcionarios, sino también porque al día de hoy interactúan al mismo tiempo colegas de dos Instituciones diferentes: Servicio europeo de acción exterior (SEAE) y Comisión.
El Dialogo Social es muy importante, tanto en la Sede como en delegación. El Comité se reúne de manera plenaria, un mínimo de dos veces por año en Bruselas, y en esa ocasión discute los diferentes asuntos y problemáticas de de actualidad, los problemas que surgen en delegaciones , y tiene la posibilidad de acceso a la jerarquía la más alta a este nivel (Director general DEVCO) para tener un diálogo cara a cara e intentar de obtener acuerdos, soluciones, en beneficio de los colegas en delegaciones.
Representar los colegas, esto quiere decir igualmente participar de las reuniones de Diálogo Social y de Comités paritarias: reuniones preparatorias sobre las decisiones de rotación de Funcionarios, Comité de promoción de Funcionarios, Comité de la Seguridad Médica, enfermedades de Agentes Locales, Comité de Promoción y Reclasificación de Agentes Locales, Comité del artículo 18.6. (Comité interviniente puntualmente en ocasión de licencias de los Agentes Locales en caso de reestructuración o de cierre de delegaciones), Comité paritario de reclasificación de Agentes Contractuales, etc.
Representar los colegas es defender sus derechos adquiridos con competencia, experiencia, seriedad, disponibilidad, la defensa con entusiasmo y profesionalismo, acompañarlos en el corazón de sus problemas, encontrar soluciones para mejorar sus condiciones de trabajo y remediar las injusticias.
Para representar eficazmente a nuestros colegas, nos presentamos bajo la forma de una lista equilibrada de colegas de todos los horizontes, reuniendo en la unidad a varios sindicatos que quieren trabajar juntos: como para las recientes elecciones del Comité de Personal SEAE, tenemos un valor agregado: elegir la unidad sindical, garantía de eficacia de cara a los asuntos y a las discusiones difíciles que nos esperan. Votar NEAR, es votar la coherencia y la unidad con los representantes NEAR del SEAE y de Bruselas, para una acción común y una defensa de todo el personal.…
Es por ello que nos presentamos a ustedes de manera unida,
Necesitamos de su apoyo para defender el provenir!
¿Cómo votar? La traducción al español
Who voted ? The particular case of Commission Staff in delegations
What is the LSC ? and the CSC ?
Full members | Alternates |
BOURSE Clement |
JANOHA Andrea |
ABU EID Omar Fadel |
KRAHL Siegfried |
KUMAR G.N. Sunil |
ONGOIBA Aminata |
LIAMINE Alessandro |
INBAR Eyal |
STANKOVIC Dimitrije |
OMOPINTEMI Modupe Oluwakemi Joan |