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Election EEAS 2019

Election EEAS Staff Committee 2019

List #4 U4U (Union for Unity)

List#4  Colour Orange on the voting screen

Supported by

Résultats du vote - Results of the vote

See full results on the intranet (electoral bureau page)

List U4U : 22,04%








Elected officers :

1 Mavromichalis Petros AD HQ Buda Dirk AD Rabat
2 Davydova Victoriia LA Kiev Batic Bogdan TA Asuncion
3 Psarrou Maria AST HQ Maxwell Linda AST Bujumbura

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List #4 U4U (Union for Unity) supported by USHU and FFPE

Vote like your rights depend on it !


  Full member     Alternate    
1 Mavromichalis Petros AD HQ Buda Dirk AD Rabat
2 Davydova Victoriia LA Kiev Batic Bogdan TA Asuncion
3 Psarrou Maria AST HQ Maxwell Linda AST Bujumbura
4 Kamdem Noel LA Yaounde Chukwulaka Modestus LA Abudja
5 Domm Rory AD HQ Geysen Patrick AD Djibouti
6 Thakkar Sumeet LA New Delhi Sokari-George Ugo LA Abudja
7 Pisani Jean-Marc AD HQ Bachammar Safia AST HQ
8 Sorg Christoph AD Beijing Mannino Giuseppe AST HQ
9 Szalai Zoltan AD Astana Deller Lydia CA HQ
10 Doyle Simon CA Amman Da Silva Batista Pereira Gisela CA Quito
11 Borovic Ljiljana LA Belgrade Masure Stephanie CA HQ
12 Lee Ortega Elisabeth Del Carmen LA Panama City Paraiso Aminata LA Abidjan
13 Magarinos Casal Carmen TA Dakar Zaratiegui Biurrun Juan CA Hanoi
14 Bolduan Ute AST Addis Ababa Antic Ruzmarina LA Skopje
15 Soret Bertrand AD Ndjamena Vilcinskas Jurgis AD HQ


List of Candidates with their photo...   Paper poster that will be displayed...  



Presentation of our list

U4U presents a list for the elections of the EEAS Staff Committee.

U4U defends a permanent, independent and competent public civil service. U4U, an inter-institutional trade union that has been present at the EEAS since its creation, presents list n°4 for the 2019 EEAS Staff Committee elections.

This list supports an independent European civil service and further development of the European project – its external dimension must be strong and coherent - in a united and intergenerational manner. We are fighting to minimize precarious situations and disparity, rejecting all forms of discrimination – notably those gender and status - based on a supportive and constructive social dialogue. We are taking action to improve our working conditions, advocating for participative and inclusive management. We are against the reopening of the staff regulations because, just like in 2004 and 2014, it will undoubtedly result in weakening the civil service.

We support an open debate between European citizens via our public platforms, we promote reflection and discussion with our Graspe review and we organise a range of conferences about the civil service and the consolidation of Europe. We are committed to fighting against climate change, in particular by supporting our colleagues at EUstaff4Climate, who propose sound and specific measures based on their professional experience.

Our compete list, supported by USHU (Unity & Solidarity Outside the EU) and FFPE (European Civil Service Federation) is composed of 15 couples who represent the diversity of EEAS staff, both in geographical terms – headquarters and delegations across all continents – and category wise : 9 candidates come from headquarters and 21 from the delegations in 20 different countries; 14 women, 16 men, 9 local staff members, 5 contract agents, 2 temporary agents , 1 of whom is an AD (administrator), 5 AST (assistant) civil servants, and 9 AD civil servants representing jobs across the entire spectrum of our Service.

Voting for U4U means defending a permanent, independent, skillful and unified civil service that supports the European construction and the defence of its model and its global interests.

U4U présente une liste aux élections du comité du personnel du SEAE.

U4U défend un service public permanent, indépendant, compétent. U4U, syndicat interinstitutionnel présent au SEAE dès sa création, présente la liste N°4 aux élections de 2019 du comité du personnel du SEAE.

Cette liste défend un service public européen indépendant et l’approfondissement de la construction européenne - sa dimension extérieure doit être forte et cohérente-, dans un esprit unitaire et intergénérationnel. Nous luttons pour réduire les situations précaires et les disparités, rejetant toute forme de discrimination -notamment de genre et de statut- en nous appuyant sur un dialogue social soutenu et constructif. Nous agissons pour améliorer les conditions d’exercice de notre métier, en préconisant un management participatif et inclusif. Nous sommes contre la réouverture du statut car il est certain que, comme en 2004 et 2014, la fonction publique en sortira affaiblie.

Nous favorisons le débat ouvert aux citoyens européens via nos plateformes publiques, nous animons une revue de réflexion (Graspe) qui organise de nombreuses conférences sur la fonction publique et la construction européenne. Nous nous engageons contre le changement climatique, en particulier en soutenant nos collègues de EUstaff4Climate qui proposent des mesures étayées et concrètes à partir de leur expérience professionnelle.

Notre liste complète, soutenue par USHU et FFPE, est composée de 15 couples représentatifs de la diversité du personnel du SEAE, tant géographique –siège et délégations sur tous les continents- que catégorielle: 9 candidats proviennent du siège et 21 des délégations dont 20 de pays différents; 14 femmes, 16 hommes; 9 agents locaux, 5 agents contractuels, 2 agents temporaires dont 1 AD, 5 fonctionnaires AST, 9 fonctionnaires AD représentant tout le spectre des métiers du personnel de notre Service.

Voter U4U, c’est défendre un service public permanent, indépendant, compétent et unifié au service de la construction européenne et de la défense de son modèle et de ses intérêts à travers le monde.

U4U presenta una lista a las elecciones del Comité de Personal del SEAE.

U4U defiende un servicio público permanente, independiente y competente. U4U, sindicato interinstitucional presente en el SEAE desde su creación, presenta la lista nº 4 a las elecciones de 2019 del Comité de Personal del SEAE.

Esta lista defiende un servicio público europeo independiente y la profundización en la construcción europea –pues su dimensión exterior debe ser vigorosa y coherente-, de acuerdo con un espíritu unitario e intergeneracional. Luchamos contra la precariedad y la desigualdad y rechazamos cualquier forma de discriminación –en particular, por razones de género y de estatuto jurídico-, y respaldamos un diálogo social sostenido en el tiempo y constructivo. Actuamos para mejorar las condiciones laborales y promovemos una gestión y dirección participativas e inclusivas. Estamos contra la reapertura del estatuto, ya que resulta evidente que la función pública quedaría de nuevo debilitada, al igual que sucedió en 2004 y 2014.

Fomentamos un debate abierto ante los ciudadanos europeos a través de nuestras plataformas públicas. Promovemos una revista de reflexión (Graspe), que organiza numerosas conferencias sobre la función pública y la construcción europea. Estamos comprometidos en la lucha contra el cambio climático, en particular, apoyando a nuestros compañeros de EUstaff4Climate que proponen medidas contrastadas y concretas basadas en su experiencia profesional.

Nuestra lista completa, apoyada por USHU y FFPE, está compuesta por 15 pares de candidatos, representativos de la diversidad del personal del SEAE, tanto a nivel geográfico -sede central y delegaciones en todos los continentes-, como de categorías profesionales: 9 candidatos proceden de la sede y 21 de las delegaciones de 20 países distintos; 14 mujeres, 16 hombres; 9 agentes locales, 5 agentes contractuales, 2 agentes temporales de los cuales 1 AD, 5 funcionarios AST y 9 funcionarios AD, representativos del espectro laboral del personal de nuestro Servicio.

Votar U4U, es defender un servicio público permanente, independiente, competente y unificado, al servicio de la construcción europea y de la defensa de su modelo, así como de sus intereses en todo el mundo.

U4U défend à l’extérieur la présence d’une Europe efficace et solidaire

U4U defends in the world an efficient Europe, showing solidarity

An efficient Europe, also showing solidarity, makes its voice heard if it knows how to utilise all of its instruments for its cause. The European Union does not always manage to combine all of its assets on an international level to promote its human rights values, maintain its social model and jobs, and fight against global warming and for equitable and sustainable development… It is a great challenge to resolve the conflicts that are tearing the world apart (including in Europe itself!). It is not only a question of confining oneself to the notion of “soft power”, but of creating coherence. The tools already exist, and the European Union’s power of attraction remains intact.

The Union cannot allow itself to appear divided on the world stage, let alone to disperse its resources. Its internal organisation must be unified and understandable both inside and outside of the Union. Institutional and operational fragmentation and division are not rational, and the internal and external policies must correspond. The creation of the European External Action Service has provoked harmful disruptions between internal players.

The new Commission hopes to restore coherence with a greater hierarchy of portfolios. It remains to be seen what it can and will do in practice. U4U supports this coherent approach. Staff diversity does not have to be a divisive factor. It is essential that every colleague is respected and valued according to their skills, which must be the determining criterion. U4U is acting so that everyone can work towards the same objective of rejecting all forms of discrimination, by offering everyone decent career prospects, and fighting against insecurity by respecting the work-life balance. Our list number 4, supported by USHU and FFPE, constitutes an open-ended force for constructive social dialogue.

Read the whole text...

U4U défend à l’extérieur la présence d’une Europe efficace et solidaire

Une Europe efficace et solidaire fait entendre sa voix si elle sait mettre tous ses instruments au service de sa cause. L’Union européenne ne parvient toujours pas à conjuguer tous ses atouts sur la scène internationale pour promouvoir ses valeurs en matière de droits de l’homme, conserver son modèle social et ses emplois, lutter contre le réchauffement climatique et pour un développement équitable et durable… Le défi est grand pour résoudre les conflits qui déchirent le monde (y compris en Europe même !). Il ne s’agit pas uniquement de se cantonner à la notion de « soft power », mais de se donner une cohérence. Les outils sont là et le pouvoir d’attraction de l’Union européenne reste intact.

L’Union ne peut pas se permettre d’apparaître divisée sur l’échiquier mondial, encore moins disperser ses ressources. Son organisation interne doit être unifiée et lisible à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de l’Union. La fragmentation institutionnelle, opérationnelle et la division ne sont pas rationnelles, les politiques internes et extérieures doivent se répondre. La création du Service européen d’action extérieure a provoqué des ruptures dommageables entre les acteurs internes.

La nouvelle Commission souhaite redonner de la cohérence avec une plus grande hiérarchisation des portefeuilles. Il reste à voir ce qu’en pratique elle pourra et voudra faire. U4U défend cette approche de cohérence. La diversité du personnel ne doit pas être un facteur de division. Il est primordial que chaque collègue soit respecté et valorisé, selon ses compétences, qui doivent être le critère déterminant. U4U se bat pour que tous puissent travailler pour le même objectif en rejetant toute forme de discrimination, en offrant à tous des perspectives de carrière décentes, en luttant contre la précarité et en respectant l’équilibre vie professionnelle et vie privée. Notre liste numéro 4, soutenue par USHU et la FFPE, constitue une force de propositions ouverte et en faveur d’un dialogue social constructif.

Pour lire le texte entier...


Towards a first class European external action service

The EU needs and deserves an External Service that is efficient competent, committed and visible throughout the world. The current situation is disappointing and a source of frustration and demotivation for most of us. Let's work together to create a service Europeans can be proud of, a service that values and respects every individual and carries the EU's voice worldwide, loud and clear.

Careers Mobility Promotions Dignity at work


Based on their merit, EEAS should offer career opportunities at headquarters and delegations to staff in all categories: Officials, Temporary agents, Contract agents, Local agents.


Promotion should be based on merit, according to clearly defined, transparent and comparable criteria. The current discredited system has been recently disqualified by the General Court of the EU.


Pre-selection panels should be made transparent, fair, providing systematic and meaningful feedback and marking; staff representatives should be invited as observers.


No colleague should be left behind, stuck in a non-job, treated unfairly. EEAS cannot request additional posts when currently a number of highly qualified staff are not given proper jobs. EEAS needs all staff to work together in a constructive spirit for the EU to prosper.


Nobody should be discriminated or harassed, irrespective of nationality, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, administrative origin, political beliefs. Those who engage in harassment should be investigated and punished if found guilty, irrespective of their status or grade.


Promotion System should be harmonised with Commission. One system and one evaluator in delegations for all staff allowing comparison, fairness and potential inter-institutional mobility.


Esprit de corps cannot thrive when you create casts, silos and ghettos.

Training Recruitment Working Conditions


To prepare for tomorrow's jobs and help colleagues build a career path, targeted training, linguistic, thematic, IT should be offered to all staff and attendance strongly encouraged. A special effort should be made for AST colleagues who wish to specialise in different areas such as Administration, Finance, Contract, Audit, Press, Webmaster editor etc.


Temporary agents need to be able to plan their career and their personal and family lives. For this they should know in good time for how long they will be able to serve in the EEAS, and whether a second contract will be proposed. Past performance should be the defining factor. Further efforts are needed to valorise their experience upon return to national administration.


Posting in delegations should be facilitated for families, by taking active measures for spouses to be able to work.


Adjustment coefficients should be more stable and based on an agreed method.


Inter-institutional mobility should be strongly and actively encouraged for all, including for Contract Agents.


Early retirement on a voluntary basis should be encouraged.


Targeted competitions should be organised regularly to recruit younger, specialised colleagues. We are in favour of internal competitions for Contract agents so that they may also have long term career prospects.

Our Health & our Staff regulations


The joint sickness insurance scheme should be guaranteed, improved and sustained given current trends (contribution volume, affiliates demography, level of medical costs, etc.).


Local agents too deserve a decent health insurance scheme and pensions as well as protection and compensation in case of redundancy. They are not the fifth wheel of the coach but staff to be respected on an equal footing.


We will oppose any attempt to impose a deterioration of our working environment such as open spaces, hot desks etc. and we will support practices that ease staff working conditions such as teleworking in all delegations whenever technically feasible.


We are opposed to any revision of the staff regulations; we have already paid a price in terms of salaries, pensions, working hours, and leave rights (especially in delegations) in 2004 and 2014. The Court of Auditors' recent report points out to the increased difficulty in recruiting for the institutions. Enough is enough.

We will work together with other trade unions, within the Staff Committee and social dialogue, to achieve these goals.

PDF version (EN+FR+ES)   

Food for thought

The context of these elections : we are a force promoting transparent proposals and encouraging constructive social dialogue.

Analyse : Des relations extérieures de l'Union européenne: Bilan et nouvelles ambitions (Août 2019)

Lettre concernant l'application de l'arrêt de la Cour sur Congés annuels en Délégations - Annexe X du Statut - Article 6
Les syndicats demandent l'application à tous des droits à congé rétablis par la Cour de justice


A la rencontre des collègues...




                    Page updated on 25/11/2019