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EEAS bulletin news

by R&D, Conf-SFE, U4U, USHU



Invitation to a conference :
The EEAS after 3 years : Achievements and Opportunities

Almost three years after its creation, the EEAS is looking for ways to improve its functioning. The EEAS Review published during the 2013 summer -as foreseen in the founding text- gives the opportunity to assess its achievements.

We have invited M. Roberto Gualtieri, MEP, who has been involved in the debate within the European Parliament about this report. He will elaborate on some very important issues about the EEAS, in particular :

• Is the EU voice better heard on the international scene?

• Is an autonomous service more efficient than if organically linked to the Commission?

• Is crisis response coordination better tuned to meet challenges?

• Has the EU been in a stronger position to forge a common external relation policy?

• Is the internal organisation efficient ? (layers of hierarchy, over-bureaucratisation and costs).

You are invited to attend this important conference :


March 2014, 5th
12:30 hrs
EEAS Building LOI 05/372



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