Building bridges, not walls

The solution to BREXIT is European solidarity and not national egoism !

NEAR YOU fully support our British colleagues

The recent decision by the British voters to leave the European Union was obviously a major blow to Europe. It opened an era of uncertainties for the British people themselves and for their government as to what policies to adopt and how to rebuild their relationship with the EU. If all goes according to plans, the British government should start the procedure of Article 50 of the Treaty before the end of March 2017, thus opening a period of 2 years of negotiation in order to withdraw orderly from the EU and also agree on new relationships with the EU

The BREXIT also opened an era of uncertainties for our British colleagues in the institutions and, as a consequence, for all staff who may fear that the departure of the UK from the EU, while leaving behind around 2000 British staff, could strongly affect the administrative budgets under Heading 5 of the general budget.

NEAR YOU follows both the European Parliament and the European Commission' statements that British staff forms part of the EU staff and will remain so.

NEAR YOU strongly believes that the solution to the BREXIT for our British colleagues must be European and preserve their dignity.

NEAR YOU deems that our British colleagues were recruited as true European officials and agents before the BREXIT and that the BREXIT does not make them non-European. They were lawfully appointed according to the rules applicable at the time and therefore they should be allowed to continue their career of finish their job until their retirement or until the end of their contract. The same logic applies to British pensioners. All these colleagues should continue to receive their salaries (including their pensions and their medical insurance cover) from the general budget of the EU.

NEAR YOU wants British colleagues to be able to stay in the institutions if they so wish. Their career should be managed equally with that of all other colleagues in a spirit of European solidarity and dignity.

Once Art. 50 introduced, NEAR YOU asks for a social dialogue on the BREXIT in order to guarantee our British colleagues the alignment of the European Commission to its statement.

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