Construisons des ponts, non des murs

Defending you !


D etermined protection of collective and individual rights for all the EEAS staff (conditions of work and employment rights) through strong staff representation;
E nsure prompt professional and legal advice to any EEAS Staff about their rights and entitlements;
F ight for highly professional EEAS Diplomatic service inclusive of all core values - integrity, impartiality, honesty, respect, protection, safety of EEAS staff;
E qual and fair treatment for all categories of EEAS staff worldwide and in Headquarters;
N on-Discrimination of any kind in EEAS service;
C arrier development for every category of staff through equal, fair treatment and transparency;
E ducate EEAS staff on all current and developing issues related to their present and future in EEAS;


Liste présentée par :

Unis pour être efficaces

NEAR you, une liste d'unité, représentative, de candidats engagés, compétents et disponibles


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